Should I pay customs duties if I buy veterinary ultrasound scanner from Bondway or China ?
Customs Duties (or taxes) refers to a tax levied on imports (and, sometimes, on exports) by the customs authorities of a country to raise state revenue, and/or to protect domestic industries from more efficient or predatory competitors from abroad.
Customs duty is based generally on the value of goods or upon the weight, dimensions, or some other criteria of the item (such as the size of the engine, in case of automobiles).Different products are subject to different tariff rates. Sometimes, different tarrif policies are adopted for veterinary ultrasound scanner imported from China although these countries belongs to the EU. For example, No customs taxes will be levied if China-made products are exported to Czek, however, importers have to pay it if they import to The Netherlands, Spain, etc. If not clear, you're advised to consult with the local authorities or experienced import and export companies.
Our sales team may also offer you good advice on saving you customs duties.
Bondway is one leading Chinese manufacturer, exporter and distributor of digital ultrasound machine, veterinary ultrasound scanner, reusable biopsy needle guide for ultrasonic transducers, 3D ultrasound, 4D ultrasound, digital color doppler ultrasound imaging system, veterinary monitors, multi-parameter patient monitor.
Products exported to over 130 countries and regions over the past 16 years.